A.I. First
Volta A.I. deconstructs natural and ever-changing environments, optimizing with integer quantization for edge inference on low-power devices. Volta augments cognitive capabilities with hybrid data synthesis and state of the art architectures. Volta masters multi-modal training for sensor fusion.
Volta designed the proprietary Winograd® Autopilot electronics with advanced NPU for onboard inference for autonomous robotic applications, including mowers. The navigation framework runs on the proprietary linux-based Volta OS.
Volta products are protected by patents and patent applications. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions.
Volta’s robots are designed to fit the green house of tomorrow, using locally generated solar panel energy, leveraging wireless connectivity and enjoying the silence. Volta wants to be a part of your new domestic ecosystem.
Volta contributed to many A.I. projects in different fields including: Autonomous Surveillance Rover (ESA, RPS Aerospace), companion-computer for drones (NASA, U.S. Airforce), autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles (TT Robotix et al.), early smoke and fire detection (Fireban), pet’s face recognition bowl (Mookkie, CES Innovation Award 2019).
Volta has been working with the mowing technologies since 2016. Nowadays Volta Mowers is an indipendent business unit that manufactures and commercialize mowing technologies. The robotic lawnmower markets grows double digits y/y; Volta Mower is positioned as the global market leader for technological innovation.
Proximo™ is the «general-purpose service robot» by Volta. Proximo is fully designed around A.I. for serving the mass market in everyday life as well as in space. Proximo will be presented in public in Q2 2024.